
Well, hello there!

It’s so great to meet you. Please, make yourself comfortable.

You may know me from my Instagram account, @allisonleora, where I mostly post about Bullet Journaling, yoga and reading with other fun things peppered throughout.

My goal of this blog is to flesh out ideas I have that I may not be able to fully talk about on my Instagram feed.

I also plan to review more books! I love to read and have been a voracious reader since I was little. Audible, e-books or the real deal, I love all versions of books and enjoy the benefits of each. Follow me on Goodreads if you have an account!

I’m married to the best person in the world and from time to time will mention him on here. My dog, Baillie, will make an appearance as well, but you can find her on the Instagrams, too, at @bailliegram.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to say, “hello!”